My group for the Music Video

    Hello everyone, it's me again, Sophia. Welcome to my blog, in this one I will write about my group for my upcoming project, the Music Video. So, for the music video I will be working with two other people, their names are Camila and Lizbeth. I met Camila and Lizbeth freshman year and since they have been some of my best friends. So, once I heard that we could work with other people, I knew I was going to work with them. The reason that we are working together is because we are comfortable with each other. So, the process of filming will run smoothly. Plus, working will someone else will be a lot easier than working alone. It will allow three creative minds instead of just myself. The song that we will make our music video is by The Neighborhood. The song we plan on using is 'Sweater Weather'. We were both looking over a couple of different options but settled on this one. The reason we chose this song is because, The Neighborhood is someone we both grow up on. The song is calm and energetic so it should be fun to do. This song is also in English, so it makes it easier on us since we won't have to translate it. Since this music video has to be 1miniute and 20 seconds then we can use the middle of the song. Thats why we chose this song. Thank you for reading this blog. Hope you enjoyed. In the next blog is when we start to actually get into this project. 


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