
     Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog. Today, I will be reflection on my commercial- All Bout Me! I will be answering some questions on the background of this project. So, the first question is, "What technology did I learn to use?" When I first heard of this project, I was a bit scared because I had no clue on what editing program I was going to use. When talking to some of my friends, they all had different ideas. The first half said iMovie's since it comes on the phone and then the other half was CapCut. As said in one of my production blogs, the program I used was CapCut. In the beginning, I thought it was going to be hard to use. But later on, it starting to click, and everything was becoming easier. So, the technology I learned to use was the app CapCut. The second question is, "What did I learn in putting everything together?" Something I learned is how to put the pieces of media together. Also, something I learned in the process is how to match the tempo of the song with the transition. I might not be the best, but it needed some transitions between each photo. Something else I learned in the process is to not procrastinate. Procrastination is never a good thing, especially when trying to edit a project. The last thing I learned is how to embed a short from YouTube to blogger. The last question is, "What can I make better in my next project?" For my next project something that will make it better is making the media match. For example, in this commercial all my photos and the first video were vertical, and the last video was horizontal. So that is something that I will fix. Something else that will be better is the length. I want to make the next project longer. Since the next project is a music video, the whole video is going to be at least a couple minutes and not 30 seconds. Thank you so much for keeping up with all my blogs!


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