Production Blog: Editing My Commercial!!!


In this blog, I will be writing my process of editing my commercial. As I said in my previous blog, the program that I used was CapCut. CapCut is a program that can be used on a computer or PC or even on one's phone, which is what I did. If you use CapCut on your phone, you have access to your camera roll. Which was perfect for me because it made it a lot easier to put the medias together. When I first put everything together it was all over the place because I was just putting them in based on how I had them in my camera roll. So, once I figured out that they were not in order I put them in their correct position. With both videos, they included sound, and I knew that if I plugged in a sound they would just play over the song. So, what I did was scroll through the editing tools to find the volume button. Once I found it, I had the ability to modify the volume of each video. I played around with them to see if I wanted sounds or no sound and ended deciding just to mute both videos for better sound effects. After I was down with that, I needed to figure out how to plug in the song. The easiest way that I could think of was to find the audio through TikTok, since everything should be connected. However, once I connected my TikTok account with CapCut I could not find the song I was looking for. At first, my idea was that I was putting in the artist's name wrong, but I was not. Then I thought that TikTok just did not have that particular song, which was also wrong. After all that I still could not find it, so, I went to TikTok and found the sound I wanted and downloaded the video. With the video in my camera roll, it was easier just to extract the sound so that it can be plugged in. This resulted in the song playing correctly in the background of the video. However, the whole song was about 1min and 30sec, so I had to trim it down to fit the commercial exactly. Once that was down my first draft of this project was done. In my next blog I will continue in my editing process. 


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